Friday, December 4, 2015

Janie's True Love

What is it that Janie desires in a man? Tea Cake is the only man that Janie truly loves, but why? Jody had wealth, status, and class, so why didn’t Janie have a genuine love for him like she has for tea cake? Janie has been in three marriages, her first was arranged to Logan was too forced; she never had feelings for him. Her second marriage to Jody felt more like a prison cell than a marriage. Jody used Janie more as a display doll than a wife. But the third was the charm; Tea Cake is the one she loves.
                So what is it that Janie desires in a man? She desires a relationship, to be treated as a human, not a possession. She desired someone to make “a lot of laughter out of nothing” (p. 102) with and to just be her best friend. He attracted her from the moment she met him when he asked her to play checkers “somebody thought it natural for her to play. That was even nice” (p. 96). The fact that Tea Cake went out on adventures with her and that he is so spontaneous made her fall in love with him. Jody and Logan both were willing to treat her well, but not enough to the extent of getting cut to bring home money “cut me twice in de back”(p. 127)
             Status and wealth doesn’t impress Janie, that’s exactly what her Nanny and Jody wanted for her. Her Nanny wanted Janie to “git up on uh high chair and sit dere” (p.114) but Janie desired love so she “done lived Grandma’s way, now Ah means tuh live mine” (p.114)


  1. The mystery of love continues to be questioned until the moment you feel it.Janie had a love for Tea Cakes, a different kind of love than what she had had for her previous husbands, she loved him, just him. The other marriages she had been involved in were nothing more than a mutual connection, a single flame that was dwindling down rapidly. The feeling Janie has for Tea Cakes is completely different than what she felt for the other two men. for once Janie notices that she does not have to conform for her husband, Tea Cakes loves her for her, and wouldn't want her to change. In each relationship Janie has been put into her place and has been dominated over. Tea Cakes views her as being perfection yet doesn't parade her around like a trophy . Tea Cakes makes Janie a better Janie. They love each other based on love not based on status. Janie had finally lived out her dream, she had finally fell in love.

  2. I also think that Tea Cake allows Janie to express her opinions and he doesn't have to hide himself for her. At first he didn't want her to know about the gambling but she "aims duh partake wid everything" (124). They have a very equal relationship, Janie "pick beans along with Tea Cake..." and "...Tea Cake would help get supper afterwards" (133). Before Jody was never allowed her to speak to the other women in town, because she was above them. In the Everglades, Janie is out in the fields with everyone. She doesn't want to be a fragile "china doll" she wants to be a women who can get dirty with the boys and Tea Cake allows her to do that.

  3. I like how you made the comparison as if Janie was a doll. That's exactly how i felt Jody made Janie out to be all the way through their relationship. Janie felt the happiest when she was with Tea Cake because Tea Cake did not treat her like a piece of property, but like a piece of his heart.

  4. I like the question you asked to open your post. It is interesting to wonder what Janie actually wanted out of her relationships. Most women back then (if placed in Janie's shoes) maybe would not have cared about the actual relationship itself, if it included being married to someone with wealth and status. Janie, however did not care about the wealth or status of her husbands. She only cared about the way they were treating her and she did not give up on finding a happy relationship.

  5. Tomorrow I will post a bunch of pictures a day and life of a burner number lier and BBC lover of the veins of piles of dope smokers and brilliant brillo users.
