Friday, December 4, 2015

Independence and Growth

   Janie grows to become more independent and strongly self-willed. The focus on gender role and relationships in the novel help to develop her dynamic character. Janie goes through relationships with controlling men, helping her to become stronger and independent. By the end of her story we see how she returns, alone and independent. Her relationship with Tea Cake helped her to accept her individuality more, even though she was with him. Janie was content. When Janie returned home, we saw how she walked with her head held high as the neighbors criticized her. This shows how she has grown mentally. As she tells her story to Pheoby, the darker parts are eased by the memory of Tea Cake.
  Janie has reached "the horizon," she isn't striving for it anymore. She has met herself. She has the horizon in all her memories. I feel as though the novel is named Their Eyes Were Watching God, because 'they got tuh go tuh God, and they got tuh find out about livin' fuh themselves." This quote means that people need to figure out the best way for themselves to survive and "look to God," as Janie did during the hurricane. Janie "looked to God" and made a decision that would benefit herself. Janie became more self-fulfilled.


  1. I love your interpretation of the title. I also feel as though the point of this novel was to find independence and for Janie to understand who she is. She constantly looks to God to understand what she should do and what He has planned for her. Through her experience with Tea Cake, Janie finally lived the way she wanted to. Not by how others wanted her to live, making her as you said "self-fulfilled".

  2. The story definitely revolves around Janie trying to find herself. As you said, her previous relationships with men (as well as the community) were beneficial in helping her gain independence. Also, with the help of Tea Cake, Janie finally learns how to be content, without the assistance of anyone else. He is the first man who truly treats her like an independent woman.
