Friday, November 27, 2015

Women's Oppression

In our society, women have always been oppressed in some way. Females have never truly had equality in our world, no matter the time period. Males have always been considered the dominant gender and have basically ran the world, while women watched from the sidelines, having no say at all. They have always had command over women’s roles in society and even had control over their bodies. Janie has experienced the oppression of females multiple times throughout the novel and it is symbolic of society’s confining standards for women. Janie’s husbands Logan Killicks and Joe Starks have both showed the dominant sides of their characters. For instance, Joe Starks ordered Janie to have her hair tied up while she was working in the store, because of his jealousy and worry of other men gawking at her. “This business of the head-rag irked her endlessly. But Jody was set on it.” (Hurston, 55).  He also had told her not to make conversation with the other men in the town. Joe Stark’s rules for Janie are prime examples of the strict expectations of women in society during the late 1800s/ early 1900s. Women wouldn’t dare to stray from these expectations during that time period. In today’s society, women often challenge these expectations and roles. For instance, some women nowadays refuse to be confined to dressing in a conservative manner, in an attempt to express their opinion that they should not have to “cover up” their bodies and that they should be able to dress however they please. This shows that women in today’s world are more willing and able to express their opinions on women’s oppression, whereas in the time period Janie was living in, women could not express these opinions and had to do as told/expected. The quote below shows that women have always suffered from inequality and likely always will, unless something is done to stop it. Gender inequality has always been an issue in history and it is a major issue that continues to bring conflicts in our society. 


  1. This novel clearly depicts the oppression and treatment women have received for many years. I think it also showcases the difference between time periods through the actions of Janie. Years ago, women were overpowered by men and forced to have no say. Even though women are much more independent and free today, the quote you used to connect clearly shows how oppression of women still occurs.

    1. I like how Sophie pointed out the time periods, because women's role in society has so greatly evolved throughout the decades. It's hard to imagine less than a hundred years ago women were still fighting for the right to vote in our nation. It's even scarier to think in 3rd world countries today women are denied right to education, property and basic liberties we take for granted. Though Janie lives in such an oppressing society, she is almost futuristic in the way she views the world. "Have yo’ way all yo’ life, trample and mash down and then die ruther than tuh let yo’self heah ‘bout it" (Hurtson 39) she advises her husband Joe. She is an inadvertent feminst by her actions and beliefs.

  2. Although women are more independent in modern day, it was never like that in the past, especially during the time period of Janie's womanhood. Men were always overpowering women, constantly putting them in their place and you make that very clear in your blog! Women wouldn't dare to go against any man, and they would always follow their husband’s expectations. Although women are now free of that oppression, the history of the mistreatment of women will never perish.

  3. The evolution of women's social roles (and the obligations associated with them) definitely becomes evident in our own society when contrasted with that of Janie's. While many aspects have changed (politically, socially, and legislatively), some things, however, have remained the same. Women, for example, are still more likely to be paid less for the same job as a man. In the future, we might look back on today's era with widely the same feel as we are currently looking back upon Janie's era.

  4. I love your choice of picture connection because it is so true. Men are barely belittled, and if they are it is seen as a big deal, but women are belittled so often, by men. Women have definitely made a come up. Men used to train their women on leashes, most women used to be so submissive but things are starting to change.

  5. I agree with you in saying that this novel definitely includes some gender inequalities. Women are constantly judged and perceived in a certain type of way if they do not meet societies views. Even today, women are judged by what they do and do not do. I think Janie felt a little bit of relief after Joe died because she didn't have to live with restrictions anymore.
